What is a good keyword Search Volume?

Understanding what constitutes a good search volume is key in creating an effective keyword strategy. To find the best keywords for you to target, you need to understand the importance of search volume and how it impacts your ability to attract internet traffic. Search volume is a metric that helps you determine how much interest people have in any specific keyword; having good search volume means that there are more people actively searching for that phrase and more opportunities for your content to be seen.

Good keywords should not only have a decent amount of search volume, but also the potential to become high-converting searchers which encourages leads, sales, or other conversion activities. For SEO marketers, understanding search volume in relation to evaluating target keywords can help improve websites’ performance and maximise returns on their digital marketing investments.

What is keyword Search Volume in SEO?

Keyword search volume is an invaluable resource in the world of SEO, as it provides insight into user demand by indicating the number of times a keyword is searched within a given period. This value can be used to guide decisions on which keywords should be targeted in different campaigns, while additionally showing the competitive resources needed to rank for desired keywords. A keyword should be seen not just as one term but rather as its numerous semantic variants; for example, “meta length checker” may return different search volumes compared to its variations such as “check meta length tool” or “tool to check meta length”. Understanding keyword search volume is vital for successful SEO efforts and will ensure that campaigns are adequately localized for optimal results.

What is a ‘Good’ keyword Search Volume?

If you were looking for a definitive answer, a good keyword search volume would be anything ranging from 100 to 1000 searches per month. That said, the term ‘good’ is subjective and depends on a variety of factors such as the search intent, industry, seasonality and competition. It is therefore essential to factor in the context of the keyword when assessing its search volume. For instance, 500 searches a month may seem like a low sum to an already established business but could be considered high by one which is more niche or new to the scene. Not only does this depend on business size but also location; what counts as a high or low search volume in the US can differ significantly from that of the UK.

Ultimately, assessing ‘good’ keyword search volumes requires careful consideration and attention to these different variables.

Niche Low Average Large Broad
0-30 30 - 100 100 - 1,000 1,000 - 10,000 10,000+
Consider if you’re targeting a very niche offering, a long-tail question, or a search with numerous close variants. Good volume for niche offerings, localised searches or specific product searches. Safe volume for a wide range of applications, such as most common products, product categories, services or article topics. Keywords in this range will be either extremely competitive and/or be broad topics with multiple subtopics. For high authority bodies such as GOV.UK or corporate giants such as Facebook.

How to measure keyword Search Volume

Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is invaluable for any SEO strategy. However, finding the right tool to put a keyword research plan in motion can be complex. When researching potential tools, it is essential to understand their limitations to ensure niche searches do not go unnoticed. It would help if you also consider differences in search volume data collected by different tools when making decisions. Nevertheless, with the right tool, keywords can provide invaluable insights into SEO ranking strategies and uncover hidden opportunities.

Google Ads Search Terms Report

Google Ads Search Terms Report is a more unorthodox keyword research method. This tool pulls live data from your currently running paid ads, coalescing impressions and search terms to indicate how many people have sought a particular keyword through paid search. While Google Ads Search Terms Report can give an accurate overview compared to other database search tools, ads must either be active or have been so for the data to be available. After inputting your search term, you’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing the trends surrounding queries related to an advertisement’s keywords. Use this for your SEO strategy to clarify what terms work best for you and tweak your keywords as necessary as you strive towards content optimisation.

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Ads Keyword Planner is an essential tool for SEO professionals, as it allows them to access estimated keyword volumes, which helps determine the keywords needed for their SEO strategy. The figures provided by this tool are dependable, as it is connected directly to Google. It also gives insight into the seasonality of keywords, helping to ensure that the timeliest terms are constantly being used. Overall, Google Ads Keyword Planner provides insightful information that should be integral to any successful SEO strategy.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console’s (GSC) Search Results report is a valuable tool for keyword research that offers real-time search data for any given timeframe. By collecting and presenting representative data based on a website and its content, the report provides insightful insights regarding top-performing keywords pages, countries and specific terms. It also displays the number of impressions made, clicks, CTR and average position in the SERPs each keyword attracts. This makes it suitable for researching potential new keywords appropriate to expand existing content and finding new niche search terms. GSC is a tool that can help to overcome the limitations of other commonly used SEO tools.

SEO Tools

Popular SEO tools such as ahrefs and SEMrush offer a very accessible approach to keyword research. With the ability to search for any keyword, get insights on search volume, and view a website’s entire keyword data (including those of competitors), these tools provide freedom and flexibility when it comes to exploring keyword trends. This allows users to track how their competition performs from a keyword optimisation standpoint, allowing them to gain valuable ideas for their sites. Despite the many benefits of SEO tools, it’s essential to remember that most do not pull real-time keyword data. Instead, they maintain databases of keywords which are updated periodically with new search volume information.


LSIGraph is an effective keyword research tool for businesses that seek to optimise their website performance. It provides semantically linked keywords based on your search term, making it easier to pinpoint the precise and most relevant content that best fits your target language. Using LSIGraph helps to increase visibility by optimising the key phrases used in your website’s content, allowing relevant customers to find you more easily on the internet. With its extensive research results, LSIGraph can provide small businesses invaluable insights into the phrasing and semantics they must employ while maintaining their unique voice and tone.

Things to consider when selecting keywords

Understanding search intent

Knowing what a searcher is looking for and understanding their intent should be the core of any search marketer’s strategy. Once you know their intent, you can get more specific with your keywords and rank better for relevant searches. Yes, targeting large-volume keywords are valuable, but you’ll likely have more success if you focus on satisfying the user’s needs. It also removes the concern about lower search volumes because if you deliver on intent, you’re sure to reach the right people.

The five different types of searches:

  • Informational: searcher wants information
  • Navigational: searcher wants to find something specific, such as company contact details
  • Transactional: searcher wishes to buy something specific
  • Commercial investigation: searcher wants to compare and find the best product or service
  • Local: searcher wants to find something near them

Be Specific

If you’re looking to target the right audience for your business, your keywords must be specific. For example, if a guitar shop aimed at ranking for the keyword ‘guitar’, they would face a tough challenge due to the broad nature of the keyword and its immense search volume of 86k. However, targeting keywords that specify make, model, and variant, such as ‘fender player telecaster butterscotch blonde’, provides businesses with an achievable task and a much more manageable search volume of 150 – being specific leads to a better user experience which entices customers to visit your page over that of competitors.

Seasonal vs Evergreen Keywords

With the convenience and availability of search engines, data has become more accessible than ever. Google Trends is one powerful tool businesses can use to gain an accurate snapshot of their target keywords’ seasonality and an overall picture of their popularity.

An example is the search term “best valentine’s gift”, which experiences a dramatic increase in interest rates from January to February each year. Understanding these trends is crucial for businesses as it enables them to optimise content accordingly. In addition, it helps them predict the high demand for such content during specific time intervals. Knowing how and when to use seasonal and evergreen keywords effectively enables businesses to maximise their online presence throughout the year.

Keyword Clustering

Keyword clustering can enormously impact the amount of traffic a website receives. Marketers too often only consider the individual search volume of a single keyword, yet one web page will be ranking for multiple disparate queries. By looking beyond, the particular term and instead considering the collection of related words that could influence rankings, one can gain a far more exact indication of potential search volume. As such, keyword clustering is essential to maximise the possible performance of websites in organic search.

Is there any value in targeting low Search Volume keywords?

Targeting low-search-volume keywords can bring tangible benefits to page rankings and conversions. Unless you’re well-known in the industry, targeting low-volume keywords is more likely to generate successful results than overly ambitious keywords with a large search volume. Choosing practical, achievable keywords gives you the best chance of success and allows you to grow your presence in the SERPs steadily. It is, therefore, advisable to be mindful of ‘low-volume’ keywords when selecting content for SEO – there may be value that is ignored without further consideration.

Final thoughts

If you want to make sure your content will perform and climb those rankings, Full Of Pixels can help. Our experts are committed to providing the most effective keyword and content strategies that balance competitiveness, likelihood to rank, and keyword search volumes as per your individual needs. Collaborating with us can ensure your SEO efforts are customised to suit your industry or product while still meeting all the essential criteria needed for successful ranking. We’ll find a tailored approach unique to your business so you can get the results you’re looking for and see your content rise higher in the SERP.

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